Entirely focused on guaranteeing our customer trust on every service Axy7 gives, we have established and followed security policies to complement the existing security layers that Salesforce offers.
AXY7 products are Salesforce add-ons, and they can only work within the user browser in the Salesforce context. Therefore, all of the security protections provided by Salesforce are automatically inherited by our products.
Download our Security HandBook Policies.

Security overview

Axy7 is committed to three principles. Providing a security and privacy program that considers security and data protection across our processes.

Commitment on security

In Axy7 our employees follow a strict security, privacy, and compliance training that is recurrently reviewed and updated following the Salesforce practices for security. Also there is staff to ensure the protection of company and customer data.
The AXY7 security responsable maintains a constant protocol tracking to ensure our lifecycle process keeps within the security norms.
AXY7 processes and tooling are regularly audited to ensure we meet industry latest standards.


Salesforce is the most trusted customer relationship management (CRM) platform in the world. In order to be a certified Salesforce ISV (Independent Software Vendor) company strict partnership requirements should be complied, including periodic security reviews.

Security sharing responsibility model

Built on Salesforce platform

As an ISV, rigorous security standards should be successfully passed every year. This shows the level of commitment on security that Axy7 had, has and will continue having to deliver Trust to our customers.

If you have a security or privacy-related question, comments, or concerns please contact us.