Entirely focused on guaranteeing our customer trust on every service Axy7 gives, we have established and followed security policies to complement the existing security layers that Salesforce offers.
AXY7 products are Salesforce add-ons, and they can only work within the user browser in the Salesforce context. Therefore, all of the security protections provided by Salesforce are automatically inherited by our products.
Download our Security HandBook Policies.
Security overview
Axy7 is committed to three principles. Providing a security and privacy program that considers security and data protection across our processes.
Commitment on security
In Axy7 our employees follow a strict security, privacy, and compliance training that is recurrently reviewed and updated following the Salesforce practices for security. Also there is staff to ensure the protection of company and customer data.
The AXY7 security responsable maintains a constant protocol tracking to ensure our lifecycle process keeps within the security norms.
AXY7 processes and tooling are regularly audited to ensure we meet industry latest standards.
Salesforce is the most trusted customer relationship management (CRM) platform in the world. In order to be a certified Salesforce ISV (Independent Software Vendor) company strict partnership requirements should be complied, including periodic security reviews.

Security sharing responsibility model
Built on Salesforce platform
As an ISV, rigorous security standards should be successfully passed every year. This shows the level of commitment on security that Axy7 had, has and will continue having to deliver Trust to our customers.
Permission Sets defined
Axy controls CRUD/FLS following Salesforce standards by Permission Sets.
The permission levels managed by default are for:
– Administrator
– C-Level User
– Standard User
This permission structure contains for each application a specific configuration for each Object and field the application contains.
Having said that, Axy applications are easily configurable to adjust the customer needs on visibility and data access from their users.
What is a Salesforce permission set:
A permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various tools and functions. The settings and permissions in permission sets are also found in profiles, but permission sets extend users’ functional access without changing their profiles.
Users can have only one profile but, depending on the Salesforce edition, they can have multiple permission sets. To adjust for your company’s needs, you can assign permission sets to various types of users, regardless of their profiles.
More information about Salesforce Permission Sets
CRUD/FLS enforcement
Object-level security within the salesforce.com environment is referred to as Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) access. CRUD settings are applied at the profile level and can be used to restrict the actions that users can take on each type of standard and custom object. Field-level security (FLS) is configured similarly to CRUD but allows administrators to define the profiles that can see and write to most fields of standard and custom objects.
More information about Salesforce CRUD/FLS enforcement
Sharing Model
Axy uses OWD (Organization-Wide Sharing Defaults). With OWD you can define the default access level for an object’s records with organization-wide sharing settings. Organization-wide sharing settings can be set separately for custom objects and many standard objects, including assets, campaigns, cases, and accounts and their contracts.
For most objects, organization-wide sharing settings can be set to Private, Public Read Only, or Public Read/Write. In environments where the organization-wide sharing setting for an object is Private or Public Read Only, an admin can grant users additional access to records by setting up a role hierarchy or defining sharing rules.
Axy7 applications are mostly built using private objects and the record visibility is handled by the Owner and a hierarchy role tree.
Our applications also contain in the setup the option to select with Public Group use for managing sharing to “All Internal Users”.
More information about the Salesforce OWD Sharing Model
OAuth is an open protocol that authorizes a client application to access data from a protected resource through the exchange of tokens. OAuth tokens are essentially permissions given to a client application. The resource server can validate the tokens and allow the client application access to the defined protected resources. In Salesforce, you can use OAuth authorization to approve a client application’s access to your organization’s protected resources.
Two-factor authentication is the most effective way to protect your org’s user accounts. As a Salesforce admin, amplify your organization’s security by requiring a second level of authentication for every user login. You can also require two-factor authentication when a user meets certain criteria, such as attempting to view reports or accessing a connected app.
– Available in: both Salesforce Classic (not available in all orgs) and Lightning Experience
– Available in: Essentials, Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer, and Contact Manager Editions
Two-factor authentication is an essential user authentication method—so essential that Salesforce provides two types of two-factor authentication.
Service-based—Also known as device activation, service-based two-factor authentication is automatically enabled for all org’s.
Policy-based—Admins enable policy-based two-factor authentication. It is an admin’s best tool to protect org user accounts.
For help with configuring two-factor authentication, see the Admin Guide to Two-Factor Authentication and the Trailhead Module Secure Your Users’ Identity.
More information about Salesforce Security Guide here
Application control
Axy7 provides rigorous application controls that ensure you have comprehensive audit trails that can be extended by implementing field history tracking and cannot subsequently be modified via “back door” manipulation of object data.
In addition, Salesforce Shield adds an audit layer of data accessing and data edition.
These application controls include:
– Comprehensive audit trails for transactions, master data modifications, and security setup changes.
– Segregation of duties.
– Highly granular control of company, object, record, and field-level access by role.
Disaster Recovery
Because AXY7 applications are 100% Force.com -native, all data processed resides on the Salesforce cloud platform owned, operated and managed by Salesforce. Production data centers are designed to mitigate the risk of single points of failure and provide a resilient environment to support service continuity and performance. The Covered Services utilize secondary facilities that are geographically diverse from their primary data centers, along with required hardware, software, and Internet connectivity, in the event Salesforce production facilities at the primary data centers were to be rendered unavailable. Salesforce has disaster recovery plans in place and tests them at least once per year. The scope of the disaster recovery exercise is to validate the ability to failover a production instance from the primary data center to the secondary data center utilizing developed operational and disaster recovery procedures and documentation. The Covered Services’ disaster recovery plans currently have the following target recovery objectives: (a) restoration of the Covered Service (recovery time objective) within 12 hours after Salesforce’s declaration of a disaster; and (b) maximum Customer Data loss (recovery point objective) of 4 hours. However, these targets exclude a disaster or multiple disasters causing the compromise of both data centers at the same time, and exclude development and test bed environments, such as the Sandbox service.
More information about Salesforce Disaster Recovery
Change management
Salesforce bases its change management methodology on one main, fundamental principle: trust.
At Salesforce, building trust with customers means pursuing the following three goals.
– Maximizing innovation.
– Minimizing impact.
– Communicating changes.
More information about Salesforce Change Management
Incident management
Salesforce maintains security incident management policies and procedures. Salesforce notifies impacted customers without undue delay of any unauthorized disclosure of their respective Customer Data by Salesforce or its agents of which Salesforce becomes aware to the extent permitted by law. Salesforce publishes system status information on the Salesforce Trust website. Salesforce typically
notifies customers of significant system incidents by email, and for incidents lasting more than one hour, may invite impacted customers to join a conference call about the incident and Salesforce’s response.
Data Encryption
The Salesforce Shield Platform Encryption solution encrypts data at rest when stored on our servers, in the database, in search index files, and the file system. To encrypt data at rest and preserve functionality, we built the encryption services natively into the Salesforce Platform.
The Shield Platform Encryption solution uses strong, probabilistic encryption by default on data stored at rest. Shield Platform Encryption uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 256-bit keys using CBC mode and a random initialization vector (IV). While this type of encryption results in a loss of some functionality, such as sort operation, we consider this a reasonable tradeoff in favor of security.
More information about Salesforce Data Encryption
If you have a security or privacy-related question, comments, or concerns please contact us.