Given all the recent (and even not-so-recent) news about climate change, you’d think the world would be working towards saving the planet, but sadly there are many people who don’t believe in global warming or simply just don’t care about it.
Therefore, it’s important to take action, not just by saying, but also by doing in the form of providing an example for future generations.
As a result, Axy7 has become part of the Tree Nation Initiative, not only to contribute to the reforestation of trees all over the world, but also to create awareness about the importance of these tall friends of ours in the maintenance of balance on our planet.

To pledge our support to this initiative, we will be planting one tree per user per month. This includes a donation of one dollar per license in use per month to create our forest. At the end of this journey, your company will be a part of this wonderful initiative and we will keep you informed monthly about your contribution to the ecosystem.
By clicking on the following link you will be able to follow our progress.
Some facts about Trees:
Purification: Trees purify water and slow down rain by filtering it with their roots. This process prevents erosion and reduces the risk of saturation and flooding.
Water Supply: Roughly 1/3 of the world’s largest cities rely on protected forest areas for a large proportion of their drinking water. This includes cities such as New York and Singapore.

Oxygen Production: Trees and forests are often referred to as the ‘lungs of the planet’ for a very simple reason: they produce oxygen. It is estimated that 1 acre of trees can provide the oxygen requirements of 12 people for a year.
Absorb Harmful Gases: In addition to absorbing CO2, trees also absorb harmful pollutant gases such as sulphur dioxide, ozone, ammonia, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
Cooling: Trees cool the surrounding air by providing shade and by a process called transpiration cooling. This is where trees release water droplets from their leaves that cool the surrounding area when they evaporate.
Medical Properties: We derive many medicines from tree bark, leaves and flowers of different species. These are usually used in herbal medicine, but many compounds in pharmaceutical industries are based on those originally extracted from trees.
Developing World: Many of the world’s extreme poor live close to a forested area. Food, drink and equipment obtained from these forests can account for up to 28% of total household earnings in some tropical and subtropical regions.
Mental Health: Trees and nature have been shown to improve mental health and cognition in both healthy individuals and those suffering from mental illness.

Carbon Capture: Natural forests capture CO2, acting as carbon sinks. Every year, forests and trees absorb the equivalent of 2 billion tonnes of CO2, roughly 1/3 of all CO2 released from the burning of fossil fuels.
Carbon Storage: Deforestation enhances climate change by releasing stores of CO2. Roughly 18% of global emissions comes from deforestation (5-10 GtCO2e) which is more than the world’s entire transport sector.