Axy OKR  1.10  Summer 20 Release

A new release to keep supporting our customers’ success in their journey of OKRs practice

What is new

We are releasing several new features and improvements. The two more relevant are:

  • Advance Filters for Tree View:
  • Now we Tree View component support several options to filter OKRs
    1. Company Goal Filter
    2. Achievement Status Filter
    3. My Objectives / My Hierarchy Objectives Filter
    4. Levels to display
    5. Filter by Objective name
    6. Filter by Owner
  • Tree List View and Tree Hierarchy View: In order to have a better visualisation during browsing a company goal we have improved the hierarchy view and added a faster list view to explore the Objectives and the main information.


Check here the releases notes for more information and follow the upgrade instructions in order to get the last features working properly.

What was fixed

We have included several minor fixes and improvements on performance and error handling

What is coming in 1.11

We work in agile mode so, we are not entirely sure what and when this is going to happen but as a best practice Axy Dev Team tries to keep a cadency of monthly releases. In our roadmap next priorities are:

  • Check-In Wizard and Notifications supporting Mobile
  • Adoption Dashboard and remainders
  • Gantt view for periods
  • Automation Logging management
Finally, remember that our app is free for 30 days. Give it a try on appexchange
Axy Team